Composing and Decomposing numbers to 10 K.OA.A.3 Part-part-whole Boom cards

Product Description

Need practice decomposing numbers for your Kindergarten Math lessons? With this boom card deck, your preschool students can practice number bonds, part-part-whole K.OA.A.3 from 10-2 with interesting pictures. Directions are given in the audio. These interactive task cards provide fun and engaging activities for your online distance learning class.


Watch a video preview here


This Boom Card Deck has 45 interactive task cards. Directions are given in the audio. Each card has different bright images to interest the student.


This resource can be used for:

  • Independent work
  • Online lessons, distance learning, eLearning
  • At-home practice, homework
  • Math centers, Math stations
  • Skill practice and review


Boom Cards are:

  1. Self-correcting (students will know automatically if their answer is correct or wrong).
  2. Paperless (no need for paper)
  3. Digital (they can be played on mobile, tablets, and laptops)
  4. Easy to use.


Product Features

K to 2
Boom cards


Review Composing and Decomposing numbers to 10 K.OA.A.3 Part-part-whole Boom cards.

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